Monday, 24 June 2013

Wesley Warren J - who has testicles that weigh 10 stone( about 64kg)

Meet Wesley, from Las Vegas, a real-life Buster Gonad, whose unfeasibly large testicles weigh more than I do.( That's a bone hard medical fact lol) Wesley doesn’t wheel his balls around in a barrow. When Wesley does venture outside he carries them in a hood worn upside down around his waist. Most days though he gets no further than the toilet. “Too disturbing?” Wesley jokes as he describes the contortions required to perform this basic function. Wesley is on benefits, meaning he’s only entitled to medical care in Nevada. Alas, there are no doctors there who know how to treat him. And when Wesley appeals for ­donations for surgery, he’s accused of being addicted to celebrity. Life, it seems, has no end of ways to kick this poor man where it hurts.

1 comment:

  1. Am out of words,is dis real or fake ehn richard
